Sunday, August 29, 2004
heyys. its been a long time since i blog.
so heres my entry;
this few days had been havin sectionalsss.
my mouth hurtss *ouchesss.. haha okok maybe i exaggerate too
much. ohwells i have a msg for each one of u trumpeters;
asmah -: cuties for life. haha im the adorable one and ur the ugly one! haha :P
a great senior to have. a very responsible section leader. also a person who i can look up to when i have any difficulties wit my pitching of notes or probs wit my scores.. u have been very supportive. thanks for all the encouragement you have given me..
bettina aka p2 -: heyy luv u lotx (no lesbian attached) the cuteeessst senior! haha. i wasnt jk X) a very cheerful girl, whos always smiling.. (((: no offence.. u can smile all day coz ur smile is irresistibleee! haha..
clare -: your nice. mmm thanks for all the crapping and making me laugh with your silly antics. haha what a clown. ((:
shermaine -: the quietesst senior of all. dun really get to noe u well. but someday, somehow maybe our friendship will build up? okay..
jia xing -: wow! indeed a tough woman! hahaha. rawk on girl!
khairul kadri -: the crappy guy. haha easy to get along wit him.. one word which describe u, easy-going. haha whoops thts two.
eric -: the brainy. hmm his like my buddy? haha.. always playing third wit me.. always helping me out. thankiew.
and for the ppl whos leaving/left; -sobsob-
hafidz -: woooow i guess ur a good trombonist now eh?! haha u resemble alot like fitri.. u noe, always cracking jokes.. anyways, have fun in ur section!
yonglin -: the guy whom i can look up to. seriously. indeed a gooood trumpeter.. ohwells good luck for ur o's okay!
fitri -: heyys. the joker.. haha u brigten the `section day everyday. heh. sounds weird? but anyhows, all the best for ur o's and ur future.
To All The great Trumpeters
lurveee yoo all sooo much!!!* muaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! smooch.
--hanis (:

Act Handsome!

Acting Cute!

Woo!Who's that trombonist?!


Hello Guys!I misss bloggging.Cant use the internet lah,my mom..erm..ya ya.Nvm.Its good to hear Hafidz progressing!Good job!But you can do better.I hope all of you are really working hard for the coming band test ok.You cannot fail.Get me?And i realised most of you keep falling sick recently.Must take care ok?Exp that Jay Chou.I mean JX.Jia Xing lah..Take Care ok?Still very young..dont have to be so sick.Anyway,Hanis is soo weird!!She managed to play the high F# all of a sudden!!Hahaha i was soo amazed u know?!How u do it?I mean like suddenly?WOW.I must go investigate.Hahah i guess thats all.Practise hard
Long Lost Asmah
Friday, August 13, 2004
helo guys..i cannot sleep sia from just now..hiaz,donno why boring n
that's why i'm here..hehe.. Btw how u guys progressing??
can play all e scores or not..hah..i see u all so relaxing..
(how abt me..hehe..)ok fine!,actually its not easy to play my
bass tronbome sia: ( i thought its just like blowing a trumpet,
but den after looking at e bassclef notes,e pitching n tone etc.
WaH..!needs lots of practice le..i kept thinking abt e
performance..i want to cry already.. i wish Hisham is in sec 3 now..
but i didn't regret at all being in trombone coz i always dream to
be able to play tronbome n my dream came true..hehe..
don't worry,i'll try my best to be e best of e best..!
hafidz can make it right2??
last but not least,good luck for yur common test!!
Hafidz.the muscle man!=X
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Since the O levels for the graduating students is drawing near,Lets wish Yonglin and Fitri
Do your very best for the oral ok?And we wish you
OD LUCK! Don't screw up ok?Hahah
You can do it!=D Dont forget to say your prayers first before sitting for the exam. And not forgetting breakfast.Haah ok thats all.
Lots of Love: Trumpeters
Friday, August 06, 2004
Today the section is not a good one... i feel that everyone who went to the sectional dun even know wad is call respect... I ask u all... go where to find a section leader who sing and clap the rhythm for u all.... can't u all just appreciate... she is working so hard... she everytime go listen to the songs... learn to count all the new song u all get... for what she do it... for all of you.... if all of you got abit of maturity you all wun be so disrespect to her.... Today... i see her teachin and teachin... all of u dun seems to care... i can only see eric paying attention... then when about the end... asmah wanted to practice the Bravo Brass ... where all of you... huh??? took your bag and just go... u all think she wad... maid izzit.... wanna go nv even say " sorry asmah we have to go".... tell mi ... Who is she to all of u.... please grow up lah... how old already can't even think... u wan to see one day asmah leave band izzit??.... i dont think she can take it anymore....she does'nt show it and i think no one of u understand how much she have done... no one appreciate...
Happy Advanced Burfdae S'pore :))))
hahaha.. am i loyal towards s'pore?
admit it la ;p
haha~ okaye, just now was the ndp performance..
it was
GREAT! each and every effort i put in worth alot.
it seriously did.. i mean NO REGRETS AT ALL
now dun have to think bout it anymore.. yeahhh
ahah.. have to prepare for the end of the year concert ald [ ? ]
viva musica.. this time round must be really serious.. playin
bout 5 scores.. if im not wrong. and all the 5 scores are not
easy for me.. have not really practice on it yet.. most prob tmrs
upcoming sectionals..? ok enuff for now.
We'll definately miss your jokes,laughter,craps and everything. We really hope you can firstly pass your N level next year and continue playing the trombone.There is a hidden benefit and reason for it.He will learn a lot.To be exact,they need him.I know its kinda selfish rite.Having him in the family of trumpet then suddenly he changed to another family.Like as if my son run away frm home.But whatever it is,We will still regard u as a trumpet member ok.Just dont slack rite now and focus!You can do it. Well, Hafidz touched the bass trombone for the first time today.Its ok lah. Can play one scale already but the reading part i think he's still not use to takes time and a lot of effort yah?
For trombone members: We're sorry if we over reacted or said any harsh things to you all.A million of apologies for that.Maybe we cannot control the grief+anger+sad feeling.He's under your care now!=D
For the rest of trumpeters,(esp bettina,sher&clare)..dont worry.You still have ME!Hahah..kidding ok.We can still turn our head to the left and see him during combine what.But he's a bit short lah..haha.Like as if im tall.Anyway,we put this thing aside now.The most important thing is the peices for the concert.I wont hesistate to exclude you frm performing if you cant play ya.Seriously...You all are not doing enough.Our sectionals time is to limited and everytime during sectionals,you all will show me the "TIRED" looks.As a person standing infront conducting, i felt hopeless..Hope u all get what i mean ya.So thats it about it lah..we still must be like last time even without Hafidz ok.Practise hard.Lastly..CA's coming!Study Study Study ok..(i lost my stupid $40 DNT book btw!!how 2 study?!)
Thursday, August 05, 2004
now that hafidz gone to trombone, we have one member less.. sad eh? everyone is.. haiyo very sad for him.. having heard bout the test, he really practised very very hard okie! he memorised almost all the 15 etudes without fail and even worked on his weak part, the minor scales but now he's being transferred to bass trombone.. haiz..
well, like what KeLLaBeLLe said just now [5/8/04] w/o fidz we must try to stay together lah. we can't like becos of fidz we don't play hard, work hard and stuffs. -kell that was touching!- lol ya, i know it applies to me most cos i very emotional.. maybe fitri and yongiln will be coming back for the concert!! yay! fit and yl, study hard okie. then make sure u come back after ur Os.. ok ok ?? hehe. fidz all the best okie?
Tuesday, August 03, 2004

*Drum Rolls* The Trumpet Angels!=b

OMG!Fitri?What Happen To YOUR FACE?!

With our Sect T!

Outside the Art Musuem Auditorium!

3 maniacs..Sheesshh

Sunday, August 01, 2004
I will post the pic soon ok.The one we took wif sect shirt. And plz..if you can,come for sectionals.
Tuesday.3.30 pm.3rd Level Study Corner.Must Work On,
-Brass Bravo
-Peterloo Overture
-American Elegy
take care guys!=D