Thursday, September 23, 2004
Typical Sectionals
Sunday, September 19, 2004
`*Clare*`..dreaming."Hmmm..Red Crab or Black Crab run faster?" She's coming out with new theories. Future lawyer =) At the same time, she's hoping for some unknow prince to kiss her sweet! Hahahahah
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Firstly im so sorry for being late.Overslept la.Sorry again ok,made yonglin's father wait.And that stupid Mac Donald auntie.Really damn auntie.Anyway we didnt play Dynamica.Thank God.But sooner or later we will play so its still the same huh? I dont think we played well. Thats for sure. I was too nervous. Don't know for what la..And the solo..argh made a nuisance of my self. My lips sudenly began to tremble like dunno what.Soo fast! I'll take it as a learning experience. Gonna practise infront of public but its that possible? My siblings all scream at me for playing the trumpet at home.Hahah well, i'll try to find a way lah. If me or kadri screw up, then the band will surely blame us, meaning we bring the whole band down.Very tough position.Anyway so glad to see the regent ppl.Their games were fun rite?But my group manage to play only 2 station.Haiz. And the etude duels.We won!Hafidz played his favourite etude.Haha!So proud of him!=DBut not all participate..hmm.Any of u know who's holding on to the Diary coz i dont think its with me. Tell me ASAP ok. And e reflection thingy, asap too.Make sure u can play: Etude 11 to 16 by Wednesday and Dynamica H to the end. Maybe we'll have sectionals on Monday or Tuesday.To be confirmed later. Ok? And just wantt o tell you all that Huisi is not strict to us so dont take advatantage.You don't know how feirce she is with the regent trumpeters ok.So u all better don't take advantage.I've upload the exchange pic ..Audris sent it to me actually.Thanks Audris!Ok. Take Care guys.. =)
Lots of Love, *s i t i a s m a h*

Eric Cathrine and Natasha

Waiting For lunch..Finally Shermaine's Face!=)

Fitri and His Trademark.....Forever!

Bedergent Trumpantes!
Saturday, September 11, 2004
heyy! today had exchange at regent. this was the first time i woke up before my handphone alarm rang okie. weird. ok well, i was rushing like crazy when it was about 6.30 and i had to reach the inter by 6.45 .. my precious breakfast i couldn't eat finish. oh well nevermind. saw clare and jx there. clare the crab was sooo bad left out jx one person. hahaha i'm just joking lah. haha. yea, everyone slowly came we set off and had fun in the van ... ooo it was such great fun man. haha thanks yonglin !! heehee very kind of ur dad to fetch us to regent [or izzit bring us? aiya, watever]. combine and stuffs were on. finally its time when mr lim conducted regent first then us. omg. the song was very very nice =) my jiejie play good hor? *clapps* haha. but i think i preferred the second piece. title start with A that one.
our turn =X we did badly i guess? i dunno. all i know that that wasn't our best afterall. etude duet was .... omg .. i dunno ar. sooooo malu. haha first when i blew the first note, a percussion guy walk pass me. then i shock lah. i didnt continue. waa... it's sooo freaky. just cant forget it. aiya nevermind. got another time time i'll try my best. haha. walao, section ppl.. never remind me to bring white flag.. u all ah. nevermind ah. next time remind me for in case okie>? haha.
i tink i'll write more in the diary lah, safer later ppl scold me then i noe. okie then i'll stop here. eric next time dun sabo me already leh. very throw face u noe. haha okie bye ppl.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Guys, take note on Saturday, we will meet at the MacDonald's at Bedok Interchange at 6.45am. The Mac near the interchange, below the princess cinema. Please dont be late and take your breakfast if possible. Must reallybe thankful to yonglin. he provide us with a cab and van. How Sweeeet! Thank you Yonglin! We will buy him a set of breakfast meal before we head to Regent ok. =D
Please wear your band tee and sect tee underneath.Not forgetting your pe shorts underneath.
For those who are suppose to memorise the etude, better do it smart alrite?
Im so worried for dynamica!And the solo...
Love Asmah
Monday, September 06, 2004
okok today there was sectionals... lalala.. so happy everyone went, except for Clare cos' her parents didn't allow her to go. nevermind. quite a fruitful sectionals today. ya? suppose to play etude 3 for the etude duet thingy but since i have memorised part of the etude 14, i told asmah then we've got a change. thanks asmah. hope you don't mind ya. sorry for that. imagine the trumpet section one by one going up and play etudes. omg. haha
hey sectionmates! meet at eunos MRT station at 6.15am ok? going to regent. bring the consent forms on wednesday also ya? pass it to asmah.