Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Section Meeting on this Saturday 16.07.05Compulsory for all 15 trumpetersRight after band practiseVenue will be confirmed laterPass the message around
Monday, July 04, 2005

Dinner at Long John Silver

we love DAYTONA!

CLARE HUANG who left really early

Xiang2 and Pau2

Asmah and Shermaine

Bettina giving Huisi a token of appreciation & a bowl of ice-cream.Haha.

Say cheeesseee!

Acting Like a Nerd.You can imagine the laughters we have there.

Fitri, Bettina & the ice cream

Playing with foooood.

Huisi!Thank you for the treat!

before our meal

Saturday, July 02, 2005
hey ppl... Fitri here... maybe u have read ma blog or something... but ya... this one is for the juniors... i juz hope dat u all will co-operate wid ur seniors... e seniors are realli trying to puch emselves and u guys... so do ur best aite... its never too late 4 a change... improve urself all the time... don't wait 4 ppl to prompt u... think for urself... think for others... always look for ways to improve... its very very important as dats e onli way u'll improve... the band and also ur section... Hanis... u're gonna take up alot of responsibilities soon... so ya... next yr especialli... gotta do more... and sec 1s... i do hope dat all of u will get into the main band as soon as possible... its not that hard... juz practice and practice... everyone gets in eventualli... but why wait longer wen u can join immed... IF... u put in the effort... aite... i think dats about it... e rest i'll juz add on to the band blog... so ya... peace to be upon u...
performing soon

acting cute



one section!