Friday, June 30, 2006
count count count. 3 imp words. :))todays last day of the month..tmrs new day of another new month.
new month new beginnings.. all the best!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
im here again. ok.. ummm.. work hard!!.
today many many things happened to us. yea of cos..
sectionals today was wasting of time..partly also my fault.
bcos.. im wasting time taking just one piece n let the others
figure out notes.. nxt time come with everyting ready..
teck wee coming main band. work hard!!!
the other juniors work extra hard. we have faith in you! :)
seniors..practise alot more..yea like what hanis said..
count..counting is important..count more..
we got enough "scoldings" frm combine already..
have to work extreme harder for this all stuffs..
example shall we dance..we have been playing this forr so many
times.. of cos hope to see improvements.. :)
oh be daring to play anyting.. i tink i have to tell myself..
cos im so afraid to play loud.. bud i will do my best!
DARE TO DO EVERYTING. ;) dats all.
take lots of care. -xiang2-
hey hanis here. i've realised that after all the sectionals we've been through, which is when the seniors left, i think it's pretty bad. we can spend hours doing on just one piece and yet not complete and still sound, unpleasant ? time is really tight now, in a few weeks time we'll be having our school musical night which means we're be playing pieces such as Shall We Dance and King And I. you know how our section alone sounds like for whatever pieces. if you can't pitch the note or rather notes, it doesn't matter. but at least get the rhythm right and show little respect to the person infront, be it me, yonglin or xiang by being compliant. same goes to the sec1s : ) if you keep on playing by yourself and couldn't care less of what's happening to the people around you, then what's sectional for? yonglin've said that no such thing as SELF-SECTIONAL is going to be carried out during such time. meaning y'all are not allowed to separate else where and the next thing i'd realised is that some of you have gone to some places without informing the seniors your whereabouts. besides that, sec2s[seniors] -_-" please don't neglect the juniors. although i may be always taking the sec1s, find time to know them better. but of course, before that you must know your basic stuffs well before wanting to lead them and this includes knowing your scores well. AND sectionals is not the time for you to figure out your notes and hold back the whole section which is, a total waste of time. each and everyone of us have to work hard alright. and yes, bring home instrument, i don't see the point forcing y'all to bring back which i know in the end, y'all bring back for the sake of just bringing it back and not practice. so why bother? from now on, kick this attitude aside. i'm sure you don't want the scolding from mr lim because we, as a section not knowing how the rhythm goes. COUNT. so anyway, there's nothing else i can do except for you wanting to better improve yourself and know your basics well! ;D
Friday, June 16, 2006
im here.practise hard.the blog sometimes lyk dead blog..
yea!new blogskin..nice!! thx to our designer..HANIS..
she's oso my teacher i mean teacher for blogskins..
im also waiting for the section tee..but like what hanis said..
yea..wait till we love each other kayys?bonds``
lets learn how to love everyone in the section :)
come for regular band practices..
jinwei ar..must find a way to keep him coming..
actually i really dont know what to write..
seniors..dun care how juniors treat you..not dont care la..
is lyk can care but treat dem good enough already..
afterall we mux treat them good..of cos...
lalala..iim done with my craps..
Thursday, June 15, 2006
some photos from my cam :)

MR LIM and US =))



graduated from band =)
jiaxing, bettina, shermaine