Sunday, July 30, 2006
today is a sunday.
im posting about yesterday.. during sectionals its me i feel dat teckwee n yinjie
can read notes more easier. better than the last practise..PLUS they are kinda gud frens?
yea.kind of..cos dey didnt quarrel..yet they talked about maple..haha.
i heard it..haha.great spy..haha..we are happy to see that huh. :)) ..
hope the section is always like this..dont quarrel quarrel those kind.
seniors had combine..haha..i think we did improve on colas..
the trumpet parts did play out..but some wrong wrong but still can do it.
bcos..I BELIEVE THAT WE everyone in the section believes it.
[[impossible is nothing]] :)) hope im not writing to myself..
stay alive blog..
SECTIONTEE.i want you!!nono..its we want you!!!!!!!!!!!!
-xiaNgxiANG- ((:
Monday, July 24, 2006
MUSICAL SYNERGYTPJC BAND CUM GUITAR CONCERTSaturday 29th July 2006Victoria Concert Hall7.30pmtickets at $10 or $15Please come :) Contact me asap for tix. Thank you :)Asmah
wees.kayys.there's some picts beiing put up by yinjie.
bettina!!whers ur cam's pics?.haas
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
khairul changed to perc??!! how come i dont know har. humph humph~ never keep me updated har. ok so as for now. the
whole of trumpet section, make sure the remaining sec 1s stay =)) haha. and if they are rude to anyone in the section, ahmad and jinwei, DO SMTG. dont let the girls get bullied. and of cos, dont use violence okay. SL and ASL keep the section going yah. study hard pple.. haha. i got mock exam every week. =( pity me....
oh yah racial harmony i wan section picccc!!
:)) p2-bettinahong.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
im here again.. khairul had changed to percussion.. mostly everyone knows..
lets wish him to be a happy happy happier boy over there. wish he's wrking hard. :)
he's once with us..all the best to him..maybe theres some more quitings??.
i doubt so..just cant everything go smoothly? so headache with what the
juniors want..forget it..practise if im talking to myself.. :)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Musical Night 06
Squeezy was'nt it?

The best I could snap!

Your lovely, enthu, pretty seniors :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006
today had performance huh?enjoy trying to make this blog here alive..haha..
or maybe im talking to myself now..but its bored anyway..
ummms..klah yong lin got say that we are the weakest section now..
plus..luqman just told me about it..he means no offence..but i also think dat we r weak now..
buck up.. :) do ur best..we have such a wonderful alumni with us..we must b happy..
we must also buck make his stay with us pleasant..rather than get scoldings
together with eng sucks..i dunno write correct anot..
klah..the juniors..dey just like..sumtimes complain to me about other section members.
espacially their peers..they would compare themselves..comparing may improve
the other member..but it may lead to hate..nono..dun compare too much..everyone
can play..everyone is as good.. :) i dunno wad to write oredy..
ii'll tk my leave den.. SLEEP!! ..
Tuesday, July 04, 2006