Thursday, August 31, 2006
hey trumpets!
hanis here, sorry for the long hiatus.term 3 has ended. final year exams are coming, mug mug mug! oh, haha, betty, jiaxing and sher, all the best for O's yea.trumpets, please practice hard for the upcoming exchange programme. despite knowing the fact that've we've to play only two pieces, don't take it for granted. parts that you're still not sure of, please ask, or better still count and subdivide by yourself. don't depend on the leaders too much, all of you play a part in the section as well. speaking of which, the sectionals that we had so far, i actually realised that i've not really fulfil what i've actually expected course of my tight schedule. i seriously don't have the intention to neglect all of you, am trying my very best to squeeze in my packed schedule for sectionals. therefore, i'm really pleased that y'all took the initiative to do self practice, for some that is ;D but i'd really appreciate if you were to concentrate on the parts where you're not too sure of. take the time to figure it out or get help. be it semi quavers, quavers or even crochets they're just as important. take note of the dynamics. do your part. make sure there's balance within the section, thirds have to really support first and seconds, don't overplay, i don't want to have someone misinterpreting, saying that you're the only player and there's a need to be playing relatively loudly. it doesn't make sense, there's still a need for balance. take note of that ok seniors :) work hard! but don't get too carried away, haha. studies come first. it's your streaming year make sure you get into the class you want to and can actually cope with -_-" haha
as for my dearest juniors, bring back your instruments and practice! i'm sure y'all know where you stand right now. all those bad remarks you get from the conductor or seniors, just take it as a learning point. there, you get the 'motivation' to work harder, socalled. whatever. anyway, my point is don't be let down too much on those negative words, practice! but then again, how to when bringing home instrument seems to be a chore to most. too much to ask for, isn't it? so much of wanting to change to a 'better' trumpet when i don't see the point of giving your wants when i don't get mine. all i ask for is to practice and bring back your instrument frequently. nothing have changed despite the talks from seniors or the alumni. this includes attitude wise please. the only reason i've to stand infront is because, well the obvious reason, is to guide y'all. if you're not interested what am i suppose to do. there's no time for this game, you won't benefit anything and neither do i. it's just a total waste of time to throw your tantrum during sectionals and not do anything. but then again, there's nothing that i can do except for you to motivate yourself. i've tried many ways, but to no avail. have you ever stopped and reflect what you've done. now, i want to see improvements and learn your major scales for goodness sake. it's almost a year! when i say there's a test, i'll stick to my words. you want a 'new' trumpet, prove to me that you actually deserve it. do practice on your
Bb,Ab,C,D and Eb for now. not forgetting your all time favourite piece,
centuria -_-" i'll prolly get benny to test so, be prepared.
ps; section tee design is out. it'll be confirm this sat if everyone agrees to it.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
so long never write posts in the blog already.
and today im here again. actually i dont really know
what to write. cos..quite bored..write already dont think
anyone would read it..only mme asmah and bettina??
so if write more is like talking or writing to myself.. =( ..
its really a sad thing..dont know write already got meaning or not....
national anthem today was very slow..
student conductor goes damn slow but she didnt even know..
everyone ssays that.. triplets sounds ok to those who are playing..
BUT sure sound sucks to the others..everyone keep giving comments..
kind of so tired already..dont know what to do...everytime play
also same really going mad about that...
i want section tee.
i want the section members to love each other..
-xiang xiang-
Monday, August 14, 2006
10 days later.......
heys heys. this blog seemed to be having a 10 day long holiday huh?.
wake up wake up..ummms..heard today's national anthem very out
of tune. plus triplets not on time late late..must really sound better on thursday.
we must do it!! must must must..
dont give up!!.. ;) ... and
count!! +on time,in tune.+ ummm..about sec 1s?..mentioning about them? one sentence..
"there's room for improvement".. today had sectionals..had some problems
with sec1s..yinjie keep guessing notes anyhow play..
welzin cant pitch and dont want to try..teck wee the same old problem..
poor hanis..if yinjie makes sure he plays the correct note..if welzin dares to
play he sure can pitch..if teck wee doesnt have the old problems....
there wont be any problems!! hope they would wake im so naggy......
haha ..
WORK HARD!! go for it . never give up.
O level's prelim is coming!! all the best for the 3 sec4s.
bettina,jiaxing and shermaine..
we wish u all the best!!. ;) go go go!! must get good results!.
MAKING SECTION TEE SOON!!! im the happy happy happy happiest.
waited for a long long time already. yay!!
cheers!.anyone read the blog please tag. im afraid that im writing to myself only..
or talking to myself???? oh o.....
Friday, August 04, 2006

jiaxing, a top scorer,sher

3 seniors!

section candid!

3 seniors and a top scorer.


jiaxing bettina mafia!!!
ok xiang xiang replied!! muaahaha. so the blog is NOT SO DEAD. hehe. ok maybe because lack of players thats why it sounded rather soft. but reminder: just make sure the note come out on time yah.
section meeting 5 AUGUST 2006
MORNING. 10+ am?
section mates. dont disappoint Mr Lim time and again. DO NOT take things for granted. you all dont wish him to keep leaving the band right? so, DO SOMETHING. practise hard! also, study super hard!!bettina.. AGAIN =x
Thursday, August 03, 2006
ya. today sounds so different. its ok, wew know that we sound totally
not good today. so different frm the other times. we did tongue for
the triplets. but for me, the note cant come out then it was so late. :(
plus everyone slowed down. ya. there's many problems now and then.
hold the note in full value. if its a total of 4 beats hold full till 4beats end.
yaya!. more air. :) like what bettina say the tone was bad. make the sound
rounder.many many probs.i hope it end soon. plus mr lim's case.
we wld have to really practise alot. alot more. solve all stuffs dat we dont know.
oh ya. the sec1s are ok ok now.
their attitude kinda improve lots. we wld just have to be more
patient to them, and most of all spend more time talking to them about
band about their likes n dislikes in the band. and try to make them feel
more comfortable being in band. treat eveyone as a family.
no matter what quarrels/problems come accross, it wld b solved if
both parties understand each other.
practise more!! PRACTISE!!practise till mr lim comes back.
go go go!! do ur best!!. ;) we'll playy better for the next national anthem. sorry..
im also sorry that i did not play well today for national anthem.
hey all.
just wanna comment on the national anthem played this morning.
intonation was really bad from what we hear from downstairs.. especially when u all had to hold the long notes.. can hear the vibrating sound.. please be aware of that ya.. thought that you all would improve on yr intonation cos the last time when u all played the first national anthem without the seniors, it didnt sound tt nice too. ( not that with the seniors , it sounded nice hor!) sorry to have said that but ya, i really hope u all can improve and improve =))
end ur notes on time. OK?
TRIPLETS!! what u all played was a super NO NO. i could hear u all from downstairs but
where's the articulation??.. i bet the concert mistress stress on it a few times le yah? so tongue!!! and
please be on time for that two triplets too. conductor was about to go to the next bar but u all havent finish the triplets. so
CANNOT LIKE THAT HOR.. dont hold too long for the first note of the triplet. u all tend to lengthen that note.. hmm. habit?? then
must change.
lastly. play it like u are proud of singapore ( even if you are not). play majestically can onot?? sounded very sloppy..
hope u all improve on these points ok.. AND. i really hope the section can become bonded ok.. dont be like the seniors last time. ( my batch-the one whom the seniors like to quarrel with and then quit in the end) okok? i hope got ppl read the comments la..
love y'all