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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

its 1.18am according to my watch over here. cant seem to slp cos [you guys should know] i miss my section hell lots okie! im really thankful for all the hard work you seniors have put in the build up the section and to the band. esp yonglin and fitri first (:


u're a great senior with a great personality and everything. gosh. i really miss those days when you 'torture' the whole band, the whole trumpet section. seriously i really miss those days [though its like only a week after camp!] u have great leadership skills as everyone can see. like what jiaxing said, it was really heartbreaking when you say you wanted to pass down ur file to the next section leader. it sounds as though u're not coming back to band. well, im holding back my tears now. so ya.. even IF im the one who's gonna hold that file or sth, i'll be sure to keep it in good hands. well guys, that's IF only. i remember those times in which i made u fury [and i mean really fury] and times where we used to joke around. u're a great person to rely on and one who gives advices. im gonna miss u alot. like even now..


a great advisor to me. you're the one i can tell all my troubles to [besides asmah] you're the one who tells me what's right and what's wrong, what to do and what not to do. sometimes i find myself useless in the sense that since im the probation SL, i should know what to do and what not to do. but still i rely on you and asmah the most. you're the guy senior im the closest to and the one i rely most. i do trust the rest too.. i really wanna thank you for all the advices u've given to the section. to even out all the quarrels the section once had. now even w/o you seniors, we sec3s would definetely help bring up the seciton's name. trust us (:

to my two seniors, if it werent for you two, the band isnt what we are today. the section bonding together as one is because of you two great seniors. im truly grateful of what you seniors have done.

to the sec4s.. asmah khairul and eric. you guys are truly one of a kind. i admire how you guys work together as one. i've learnt one thing from u 3, that is - compromise. to give in. i could see how you 3 give in to one another. for me, it used to be hard to compromise with the section cos each one of us wants our own way. but now i guess we sec3s are really different, we changed for the better, we learnt to compromise. why? its because of what you seniors had taught us all the while. im really thankful for that.


you're a nice person. well sometimes its really scary when you roll ur eyeballs in front of us during sectionals. i've learnt alot of things from you. of which i cant be writing all down here rite.. i could see u put alot of trust in me and want me to bring up the section. im trying my very best to do so, but the prob is that not everyone cooperates with me. now, however, i hope they do. i miss those times when we as a section, eating together, laughing our hearts out like no one's business.. yea.. why is the section bond so close to each other? dat's because of what you did to the section. you organised things the way it should be and everything would just work out so well. the ideas u came up with to bond the section together, i have to admit i dun have such creative ideas though. must learn more from you. hopefully its aint too late. all the hard work you've put in for those birthday cards, wishes and stuffs would be in my heart. memories that would last a lifetime. i love you asmah. aku akan rindukan kau [hopefully i got that correct]


joker (: hahaa. yes khairul is a great guy. a nice person to bully however. hahaa. im sorry for all the misunderstandings i had with you. forgive me lah ok? the whole world knows u're a kind, helpful guy who does things without complaining. well, i think that is one good point our section must learn to develop - do things w/o complaining. im really thankful that u were in trumpet section and not in clarinet or whatever section you were in before. you can help play the 1st trumpet damn well except for the tonguing. lol. how i wish i could just hear u sing the jay chou song again. really amuse me why on earth you chose that song when its so hard to sing. on ur birthday it was really heartpain to see u being bashed up by the percussion section..haha. gosh i've more to say. perhaps another time. and anyway you cant trust me to do things. but DO NOT ask me to keep money or remember things. im a scatterbrain. oh ya. see me in school, remember to go "hey!" like what you always do okies? miss u.


i wonder why sometimes i feel that you're far from the section. however, you do mean alot to me. you play 3rd trumpet and u help play the base. which is good lah. sometimes i feel that we trumpeters isolate you on one hand, and you isolating urself from us on the other hand. well, whatever that is. im sorry on behalf of the section. its really nice seeing you and khairul giving those 'sissy' looks on ur faces. that really kept the trumpet spirit up know! hahaa. well, now that u're leaving or rather offically gone till Os are over, i've gotta admit that though i dont talk much to you, i'm gonna miss u, like i do to the rest of the sec4s, not forgetting fitri and yonglin. well, im gonna miss the jokes u're made and almost everything tat u've contributed. thanks for the guide you gave to the section and me. i really appeciate those moments.

sec4s. better buckle up for Os. it's just round the corner. you guys have brightened my life and im totally grateful for u guys. gonna miss u guys yah.
to all my seniors. i just wanna say a BIG THANK YOU.

Takecare, Trumpets!

Monday, June 20, 2005

btw the previous post is by mie..jiaxing okay.?
oh ya..btw seniors to finish off..u guys reli rock n its time u guys can fully put trust in the sec 3s.after this camp,we all have changed maybe we realised that u guys are reali leavin us le.n tanks for all u guys have done for us.really greatli appreciated by mie! n then just to tell u guys that we will continue to build up a strong section n u guys must trust us n worry less n last of all study hard okays.yonglin must work hard go Jc !

ps:ppl , the pictures of the pop are uploaded oredi!

Takecare, Trumpets!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

woah have to rewrite .so angry write for over 5000 words to express my thots and then kena d/c so now i will summarise .
great senior ,great advisor,great guy,great personality,great character ,great leader.never fails to give mi all advices that i need esp during section disputes.which shld nvr happen again or i must say, will never happen again.yonglin ,you have taught all of us well.3cheers n 3cheers n 3 cheers for yonglin!i'm proud to have u as my senior.
a great leader i must say,all of u seniors are greatli admired by mie .i'm serious.esp fitri with his seriousness at serious times and his jovial times at playing time,tis is wad i like about him.he is a wise and brilliant in eyes of many.alot veri fierce but he has gain many ppl respect and thats the msg he is trying to convey to all of us.really is sum1 i look up to alot.btw ytd at burger king i was so damn touched when u beg the nx section leader to take over the file u had once used b4 .really damn sad ,suddenly realised that u guys are really leaving us.whoever it maybe pls i oso beg that that person most probably is bettina that you wud take care of the file ,i can see alot of meaning and feelings in that file.asmah n shermaine oso wanted to cry at burger king oso.haha dun tink i nvr saw dat=)
u are a great trumpeter ,this is also to all my seniors i seriously tink that u guys are damn pro trumpeters whom i wud nvr fail to look up to .you are my role model.you play wonderful solos that are greatli appreciated .asmah ur little actions such as birthday surprise,section t had got the section together,despite we still have section probs.but dun worry we are now mature enuff to handle it so u have to worry lesser n concentrate on ur o 'levels okay this applies to all of my seniors .
really really a senior that treats us so kind .dunmind helpin the lazy gurls in the section to carry the trumpet box.tanks for all .anywae sec3s rmb our promise that we dunlet seniors do the carrying of stuffs? we didnt do it .n we got kadri to do it so i guess i apologise on the behalf of the section.we will not be lazy bums oredi dun worry .bettina wunt disappoint u guys.anywae dun feel bad kadri that u r onli a Qm .while yonglinn fitri used to occupy higher post n u didnt broke the tradition cos u r a Qm.seriiousli , to mie a Qm is sum1 i reli respect n look up to.as a qm u have to run around like hell ..like wad shermaine is experiencing now.i really hope that to all bnss band members pls dun kip complainin about the keys n start blamin the Qm if u cant find the keys for that rm.if u reli nid it urgentli n the rm is not open dun sit outside the band rm n wait.you guys can just go n find the Qm they are runing about having a hardtime.indeed every1 when urgent will be abit harsher in tone however if u nid sumthing n the person didnt offend u in anyway pls tok to them in a more polite way .they are not ur servants n it is also a type of respect n if u guys look up to fitri also pls try to fulfil it ,although i may not be always doing it ,i hope we guys all try .during the pop shermaine was not feeling well since camp becos she gets stomach pain sumtimes so althou in a rush ,ppl dun kip relying on the Qm they are having a hard time the run about all the time n the are like practically running every band prac.so i hope we guys can help to understand every1 beta n show more concern towards each n every members inthe band.
so kadri u shld noe that i respect ur job alot becos its tough on u n zubaidah hahaz.suffering at her screams at times.really i look up n respect ppl hu can stay on their job as a qm must have good stamina hahaz..no wonder u can run so fast at sports day.
didnt reli tok alot to u.but u r great senior.since daay 1 u guys all taught us alot putting inalot of effort n i was owaes the disobedient 1 hahahz..thats y my playin lidat hahahz..but rest assure seniors,i 'll try my best to guide the juniors along okay?hahhaz..eric ah...tanks for the shoe tingy.been a very kind senior n like to crack lame jokes oso kip us goin wid ur lame jokes.you rock man!

Takecare, Trumpets!


hmmm... this is actualli ma first time after so long... two yrs to be specific since i last write somthin... so here goes nothin...

u are someone... whom i realli realli respect... i'm totalli fortunate to have a senior like u... u thought me how to do almost everything in band... i'm so thankful to u... i realli thank u for being dere for me all the way till i graduate...

i dun quite noe wad to write... i think i'll tell u guys personalli one day wad ever i wanna say... but for now... its specialli for u Yong Lin... also Shikin... if u're dere somewhere... i miss u... Irfan... i miss trying ur filthy shoes... i juz hope dat one day... all of us... from my first ever senior... till my juniors now...i'd realli love to have u guys together.. meetin each other... i wan ma juniors to noe ma seniors n ma seniors to noe wad i have for em wit wad ey thought me...

Thank U

Takecare, Trumpets!

hey !you guys rocks man!

Takecare, Trumpets!

Like I promise here's the message that I promise to you all. I want you to know that everything here is straight from the heart. To tell you the truth I didn't plan to join the band at all, I actually wanted to join NPCC and almost did. But lucky my dad force me to join the band and since that time I was still very young and naive, I just went along and it is a decision that I would never regret so you all can thank my dad for that but it was also because of him I almost join another section (it was either saxophone or clarinet) but at that time I already learn to stand up for myself a bit (that does not mean you guys can fight your parents) and the rest as you know it is just history. In band I've been through a lot, may it be good times or bad times. But the thing one that keeps pulling me back is the section. Belief me when I say that you guys are like my 2nd family and you all really mean so much to me. And if someone told me to tell them about you lot I can go on for hours. Ok now I m going to show what each one of you mean to me starting with the seniors.

Including this year I've known you for around 6 to 7 years starting from scouts during primary school to now. I got to say another reason I join trumpet was because of you as you were one of the two familiars faces there (the other one was Farhan who was also in scouts). From you, you taught me about confidence, pride and always keeping your head up high and I learned that just by watching you. And there is never a dull moment whenever you are around and I really admire you with the way you are with girls. And there was even a time where I wanted to be just like you but I quickly realize that there could only be one Fitri.

Yong Lin
You are the one who taught me about the finer things in life like respecting things and people and that there are more things in music other than notes and very importantly music should come from the heart. I really owe you a lot including all the treats and drinks so remind me to treat you back someday cause that the least I could do to pay you back for all the things you done for me.

These are really the two people who I look up to and to me are perfect role model for myself and others not only in the section but also in the band. Their commitment are unquestionable and I thank them for that cause without them and their guidance, the band would not be where is right now. The only regret I have is not continuing the tradition of trumpeters having high position in the band and I feel that I really let both of you down so I hope in the future I can really make both of you proud and use all the thing you both taught me to be a better person and both of you have my up most respect next comes the sec 4s.

Ah the rose among the thorns in my batch. The one who would be saving me and eric's butt whenever its someone's birthdays or when we have to get the juniors something. I really have to give it up to you Asmah because you really are one of the best section leaders (if not the best) in the band. I really got to say that you treat the juniors like your own sisters and really care for them. I got to say thanks to you for also putting with Eric and me all this years. I also got to say that you are one hell of a trumpet player and if continue like this looks like there be another one from our band joining SYO. Ya and one more thing thanks for the birthday present and the two cards. (Better late than never right)

In this backstabbing world there are so very few real friends and if you manage to get one, its like winning 4D. Well if that the case than I must be one of the richest guy in Singapore. You, I must say are like a brother to me. Willing to help me in my times of needs and being there through thick and thin. I must thank you for that man. And hope I have been the same to you as I really enjoyed the times we share together.

These are both true friends who rarely let you down and make you feel that they are either your brother or sister. I want to say thanks to both of you for teaching me things I would never learn on my own and helping me pointing and correcting my mistake. I really hope this bond we have won't break because we have been through a lot together and I hope the juniors really treasure you both (I know they do) and not take you for granted and good luck for the 'O's. Then comes my five juniors.

Looks can be very deceiving, who would guess that a quiet and blur looking girl can be so naughty. But I got to say that I had fun teaching you. Just remember all the things I taught you ok and you're the QM do you work correctly cause later they blame me for not teaching you ok so do me proud.

Jia Xing
I really got to say that you have really improve a lot over the past few month and it really no surprise to me as I know that you got it in you it just that you were a bit lazy during sec 2 and you know that right ya and do not worry I forgave you a long time already by the way am I really the most handsome trumpeter?

B2 you are to me sometime the most amusing thing to watch in a good way lah. But I am quite impress with your leadership skills so keep it up and remember you are the section leader so do not disappoint me ok and I really had fun teaching you.

Even though you were sick yesterday, you still manage to do the formation I am proud of you. But promise me you'll practice more at home and come to sectional and band more often ok crabby and may your dream of becoming a lawyer come true

The happy house girl. Too bad your weren't there during the P.O.P , it was not a complete section but anyway hope you will practice harder in the future and remember all the things I had taught you and I can't promise you I won't mess up your hair in the future.

Yesterday was a day where all of you made me proud. It showed me that all of you have grown so much and it gave me a sign of assurance that the section is now in good hands. I got to say that with you all I got to treat you like my sisters and I had a lot of fun teaching you all over the years and really enjoyed every moment that we shared together. We really been through a lot together and if there was ever a time I made any of you angry I would like to say I am sorry and do not worry I already forgave you all if you had done any wrong against me. Ya and thanks for the gift and the note it was really sweet of you all. Take care of the sec 1 well ok I am counting on all of you. I am sorry if its a bit long but like I said its all from the heart. So to end it off I would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you and that all of you have a special place in my heart

Khairul Anwar Kadri
better known as Kadri

Takecare, Trumpets!


First started in the year 1982 when the school just move to the new campus at jalan tenaga at that time the strength in the section is 7 the conductor at that time is Mr Samad, at that time the section only learn very few songs for example One Moment In Time,The Peaks of Otter,Yellow Stone,Wildwood overture.WE participated in the school musical by playing 2 songs One Moment in Time and Dawn Chorus Overture. In year 2001, we changed due to the change of principal.Our condutor at that time was the late Mr Hashim, after he took over the band, the band was changed into a military band, the section had a strength of only 4 members and we were given a chance to participate in the Chingay2002. A few sad things happened in 2002. In 2003-2004 we are lucky to have Mr Lim Yean Hwee as our conductor, he again changed the band into a symphonic band. Under his baton, the band improved tremendously & of course the section improved too.In the year 2003, trumpet section have a strength of 7 and by 2004, 11.We learned many Pieces within these 2 yrs and participated in many of the schools event and public performances.We had a FIRST combine school concert at NYP in the year 2002 and a charity concert in 2004.The band had our very FIRST own concert in VCH on 3rd Dec 2004. On the April 13th 2005, our first time participating in SYF, we managed to clinch a gold. Followingly, another Gold award for SYF in 2007. *


Sec 5s: --
Sec 4s: Pam Esther MingHui
Sec 3s: JiaMin PohSeng Ruzanna
Sec 2s: DaiShan
Sec 1s: Effy Shahirah Joshua

JiaXing Bettina Shermaine
Eric Kadri Asmah
Xiang2 Pauline YinJie




